Unmotivation....is that a word?
I have been so unmotivated to take pictures lately. I get out my camera but I feel like I'm taking the same ole pictures over and over. Does anyone else ever get like that? And now that the weather is starting to change, I'm going through withdrawls thinking of all the nasty lighting in our house. We have NO WINDOW LIGHT at all. I tell Brad that our next house better have a photography room with some big windows!! It takes so long to set up my lights and Brad won't let them stay up for long considering it takes over our entire living room. I just drool over photos where people can get great shots indoors too. TEACH ME oh photography angels! :)
This little gal has been a booger and a half the last couple of days. I've been working hard making sure she has rules to follow but she still continually tests me. Seems she really has it hard in her head that she can still be the boss at times, not necessarily with us but with the other two (Cody & Rudy). I wish it truly was as easy as the Cesar Millan episodes where the music suddenly changes and all of the sudden it's a new dog but in reality, consistency is KEY!! I complain a lot but what kind of a dog trainer would I be if the only dogs I worked with were mellow low-energy?
On a happier note, my dog training seems to be starting to take off.....I had 3 calls in 2 days all from different sources so that's making me smile! Anyone with questions....feel free to ask!!!
Your girl seems to have personality plus ... I can see it just oozing out of your photos! :)
Yep, I'm going through a photography slump too. I hope we both snap out of it soon!
Well, I share your lack of motivation for photos myself. And I'm really sad to report that I also have NO LIGHT in my house. It wasn't something I even thought about when we moved here and it's nice that the beaming morning and evening sun is bursting in the windows and making it hot, but it's never there for those great inside photos either. I also said that I wanted a sunroom in our next house that I could use for photos. However, the concept of moving is foreign at this point. So, it's just a dream. But, maybe someday we can expand some direction. Anyway... glad things are going well with the training and the little doggies are giving you a pure lack of boredom... It's so great checking in here withthe great Nickelback song playing and loved being refreshed on your layouts... One day, I'll figure out how to add some ambiance to my blog too. :-)
Hey there! You're photos are amazing, as are your scrapping!! I understand the slump---maybe some good fall weather & leaves changing will help! Regardles of the "slump," you inspire me!! Take care!
That doggie may be a booger, but she sure is adorable! How awesome that you're living out your dream. I bet you are so good at your job. You've got to love animals with all your heart and soul, and it's so obvious you do! Keep us posted. You're gonna be busy, busy, busy!
I think I am in the same photo slump. How about a drive up into the mountains, maybe some fall aspens or some otehr scenery that you don't see everyday! That always inspires me!
I so know how you feel! I've been in a rut lately scrapping and photographing! I am also jealous of those with oodles of windows. We live in a small apartment so my forte seems to be outdoor pictures! I have so many still to put on my blog but I have no motivation to do so LOL I probably will tonight though because I got so many awesome expressions from my son and some nice nature pictures too! Have you thought of trying nature photography? I just did it out of boredom one day and I love it. It's even made me appreciate nature more. I don't run from bugs, etc as much as try to take their picture! At Divine Digital Royanna is setting up a section of the store where we can SELL our photos! That motivates me a bit!
She's gorgeous! I'm having trouble with motovation too. Seems like sll my photos are the same only with the kids a little larger...sigh. I can't take indoor photos AT ALL without the flash! No matter what setting I try they come out looking sooo bad I can't even fix them much in PS!
I feel the exact same way, Audrey. Don't get the camera out much anymore - hoping fall will change that!
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