The slow but steady pace.......
Sigh.........I can't seem to get that common sense eye for photography. I know I'm moving forward in some aspects but at the pace that I feel I'm going, I don't know if I'll ever have an "oh my gosh" moment. I feel like either my photos are dull or they are over-the-top fake. The colors always seem off, especially after looking at other photographer's colors. I've just ordered Scott Kelby's Photoshop CS2 book in hopes of gaining a little knowledge though the last 6 books I've ordered aren't helping a whole lot. I've been running actions and still am not pleased with the results, though I fear it's probably because of my bad initial color. Here are a few that I think might be a little overdone....
I guess it doesn't help when almost all that you can photograph is your dogs.....haha. Brad is not always the most willing subject. I'd love to convince him to do a few photo sessions with us together, anyone have any good bribery tips?
I guess I'm looking for that jaw dropping color while still making the photo look realistic. I am inspired by so many people. Shari Barnes, Ronalyn, Audrey W, Rhonda Stark, and soooo many others.
Any CC on these is greatly appreciated. I want to learn from my mistakes.

These are FABULOUS girl - LOVE them!! They are so rich and vibrant! I think even the "pros" would agree these are perfect!!
On my monitor, these look great! The colors Pop, but don't look fake. You're being way too hard on yourself girl! They look sharp, and the color looks awesome! Just have fun, you've got lots of talent!
Audrey! I know you won't believe me but I think these are pretty darn perfect! Seriously! I just looked through every photo on Ronalyn's blog, looked at Rhonda's photos on hers, and I don't see where your's aren't just as good! The colors on my screen look beautiful~like Carla said they POP! I honestly don't think they look fake at all! Keep on doin' what your doin'!
Audrey I wish I could take photos that look as great as yours do! The colours look fine here and they are crystal clear, don't be so hard on yourself, I'm envious of your talent!
Audrey, I have to tell you I really *love* these photos....could you possibly be going a tad to hard on yourself and your skills?
Perhaps you have lost site or maybe never realized the artist/photog you are?!? Your work is amazing, no, *AMAZING* and so unique I continually look at your photos and say "how the hell does she do it?"
I am telling you woman, you have the eye, and I, along with hoardes of others adore your talent....there is no mistaking an Audrey shot or page....please, DON'T change!
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