Somebody new to love.....
Meet Bella Blain. It seems that she's probably gone farther in her 6 months of life than most dogs move around in their lifetime. I first heard about her at my brother and sister's 21st birthday party. My brother's best friend (and sister's ex-boyfriend) approached me asking if I would mind taking her in because her owner (one of his young friends I think) was neglecting her. He was kicking at her and forgetting to feed her. Of course, I told him to bring her over immediately. When I didn't hear from him two days later, I called to check in. He had picked her up but had fallen in love with her and decided to keep her. He named her Bella Blain. The Blain part was after David Blain since she was good at "disappearing." A few months later, my brother and this friend decided to move out together and of course, the lease said no dogs. Again, I offered to take her (though I still hadn't seen her at all yet). He said his brother wanted her so I assumed that was that. Then I get a random call (about 1 week later) from my brother's friend asking if I wanted her. Apparently, she had nipped at a little girl in the house and they didn't want her. So, I guess the 3rd time's a charm!
I had been told she was a chihuahua but I'm definitely seeing some other mix in there, a terrier of some kind. Any guesses? She's a sweet little thing but I'm already working with her on some behavior modification. Today at lunch, she was on my lap and Cody (my blue heeler) came walking up and she nipped at him.....I'll have none of that! Besides, I need to freshen up on my dog training skills anyway so she'll be good practice.
I'm sure this isn't permanent but I'm going to make sure that the next home she finds is!!!! In the meantime, I'm lovin' it!

Oh, he's such a cutie. Kinda reminds me of my Chihuahua mix, looks to be about the same size and such. When we got ours, he was being kept in a wire kennel in a garage and when he was outside, he was kept on a chain. Poor thing was so afraid when we got him home and did nip at my youngest a few times, but that has long since passed (unless he gets startled while sleeping). He even sort of likes my husband -- he had never been around men, so he wouldn't even get near him for almost a year. Sweetest little dog I've ever had, and so very protective of me. Loves to play with our same-age cat, too. Now he does nip at the kitty, but I figure the cats claws even everything out, especially since neither of them are serious. Anyway, cute dog. I'd want him if I didn't have the 3 kids and 3 cats in addition to my little pup. :)
What a sweetheart, Audrey!!
OMGosh - what a sweet sweet pooch!! It will be hard to give this little one up!!
GREAT photos, and I LOVE her name! She's lucky that she gets to live with you, and learn all her lady manners. I'm sure she'll be a great dog for a special family!
Audrey, what a cute addition to your family. I hope that the dog training skills stop that nipping though. Adorable name for her too.
I am absolutely NO expert at all on dogs but she almost looks german shepard-ish, lol! I've been thinking of getting a chihuahua for my kids. (Something small with very lil hair!) lol! We used to have a yorkie but had to get rid of him for awhile and now I want him back! :( But the family that took him in for "awhile" fell in love and I don't have the heart to take him back. Anyway, you've got a HUGE heart girlie! Love those photos!
Oh!!!!! Love him:) He is definately chihuahua...I'll bet terrier too...my aunt is a very well known breeder of chihuahuas and italian greyhounds. I'll have to send you her web link sometime (when I find it!):O
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