Aren't they adorable.......
My parents that is. Despite it being freezing outside, I was determined to get a few shots of them for their Christmas card. I wish I would've gotten some better shots out of the shade, I really need to work on full sun light. But it was cold (if you couldn't tell from the pictures).....haha
Question for you photogs out there - I always think that my picture looks sharp but after I sharpen for web, my original larger photo always looks unsharpened compared to my web photo. I can't tell if my original pics aren't sharp enough or what.
I can't wait for the snow to start melting....Christmas is over, I'm ready for the sun to start shining. It's snowing AGAIN today and they're anticipating another 3-4 inches on top of the other two big snows we've gotten in the last 2 weeks. But in thinking ahead, no watering restrictions on my lawn this summer!
Til we meet again,
They are adorable! Your photos are always so crisp and clean!
What a GORGEOUS couple your parents are!! AWESOME work on these - they just pop!! Your Mom does look cold in the one picture! You are having the weather we are SUPPOSED to be having - we still have no snow - and it is 12 degrees here today!! Should be more like minus 5!! I feel bad for the animals - they are so confused! Happy weekend!!
They are ADORABLE!!!! They look SO YOUNG!!!! Your photos always look super sharp to me. How do you process them? Share your workflow with us. I'd love all of my photos to look as great as yours. SERIOUSLY WOMAN-YOU ROCK!!!!
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