A few more....
Here are a few from the outdoor part of the same session as in my last post. We just had our first big snow of the year (FINALLY) and I'm excited to get some pictures in the snow....so hopefully Brad will be willing to pose for a few shots...otherwise it'll be the dogs as usual!!! I'm getting pumped up to do my new nephew's newborn pictures within the week as well!!! I've got so many ideas but not enough of the props that I would LOVE to have!!! Maybe if this ever turns into a profession, I can start investing in those! :)

I hope that everyone had a GREAT Thanksgiving!!! I always brag about hardly ever getting sick. My only weakness seems to be a HUGE cold around Thanksgiving. It starts with a sore throat, then I lose my voice, then comes the runny nose and horrendous cough. I've had it 4 out of the last 5 years, not sure why I get it at the same time annually. It skipped last year so I thought I was maybe just super-healthy but this last week, I got hit with the cold just before Thanksgiving and then the flu right afterward. Needless to say, I wasn't hungry enough to eat as much food as I wanted to....haha. I think I actually missed 3 days worth of food within a week though so I can't complain. I think my stomach has actually shrunk a little. Maybe that's just my body's way of trying to get me to lose weight!! The biggest downfall was I didn't get to hold Noah at all. I'll have to make up for it though. 

GORGEOUS, I love the ones with the tounges, lol. Perfect!!!
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