Meet my bro.....
I want to start taking pictures with meaning, capturing the person in the photo. Here are a older pictures of my brother, the coolest guy EVER! I thought I'd do some photos for each kid in the family.
Meet Tracy, my baby brother. His name is cause alone for a few jokes from his big 3 sisters. But he can take all the jokes we dish at him and even add in a few himself. He's got a great sense of humor and a style all his own. He's not afraid to be his own person.
He's proud to be an american, and is just a riot to hang out with on the 4th of July where he is decked out from head to toe in american colors. He wears big poofy flag pajama bottoms, red sandals, a big flag shirt and a huge Dr. Seuss flag hat. It's awesome.
Tracy can recite a line from almost any comedy, word for word, in the exact tone. I remember when he was little, we would sit around the table just laughing at him go on and on through 18 different movie quotes. HAHA, used to? He still does it.....it always amazes me. If you've seen a movie that you didn't think was all that funny.....watch it again with him and you'll be laughing so hard that you're about in tears.

He is a deep thinker. I remember he used to ask the most random questions when he was little. He would approach me and say, "Audrey, who do you think would win between a lion and a tiger?" Then we would both ponder it for the next 3 years. :) But he's also very compassionate. He often wonders if he's living his life right.
He waited until his was 21 to have his very first drink and I admire him for his morals which he holds to no matter what anyone says.
He's my brother, and I love him like nobody else.

Love your post. He sounds awesome. I love people that follow their compass no matter what anyone else says. My dad was like that, and he was the best. Great photos. Love the last one with the kitty cat.
What a cool post Audrey, it sounds like you have such a special bond with your brother. Awesome photos as always and I like his sense of humour :)
He IS a hottie Audrey!! WOOT!!! lol He really sounds like a great bro. to have:)
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