everywhere we can't go.....cuz we ain't going nowhere for a while!!! The blizzard of the decade has finally hit and it's about time we had a white Christmas in Colorado!!!! :) Not sure how many inches exactly but I know it's in the 20's. I couldn't find my ski pants that I've never worn or any boots but I had to get outside and take some pictures anyway. With Colorado, you never know.....it might be melted by tomorrow....haha....okay that's a stretch but I didn't want to miss getting some shots before it's gone.
Thankfully, I was already on break for Christmas anyway and Brad was sent home from work early yesterday (and is off today). But my brother was working close by and they wouldn't let him leave early so we had to go pick him up....there's no way his little Eclipse was going to even get out of the parking lot. My 4Runner did awesome considering the amount of snow covering even the main roads. We had to help push out about 4 other cars before we could even drive in the parking lot to pick him up. But we made it home safe and sound.
We've spent all morning digging out vehicles and shoveling the walks. There hasn't been a plow by the house yet so we've been making our own tracks to get out. It's a pain but exciting at the same time. The dogs will play in the snow as long as we're outside but then they're ready to head back in again where it's warm. I'll leave you with a couple pics before I head back out w/ the video camera! :) Just a little FYI: I DO NOT wear a size 11 in men's. I don't have any boots so I borrowed a pair of Brad's....haha.
I'm in the holiday spirit for sure now.....I'm headed out again to get some more pics!!! Will post again soon.

Audrey - these pic's are friggin AMAZING! lol! And I am soooo jealous you have snow - we have NONE - ZIP - Hello! I'm in ONTARIO CANADA - and we aren't to get any for at least the next week - so depressing! Oh but our turns coming! Keep safe - now get out and take some more shots girl!
My goodness!!! That is sooooooooo much snow ... your photos made me smile. Your guys are having a party! :)
OMG Great photos Audrey! I was looking at the first one thinking Now who is that child? Then I realized it was you! How fun!!! I forgot to make a snow angel (POUTING) I think there is one spot in the corner of the backyard that the boys haven't trampled yet LOL I better make one tomorrow. Thanks for sharing.
I'm sooo jealous! That looks like so much fun and you'll certainly have a white Christmas. I'm in Michigan and you would think a white Christmas would be a given but our weather has been way too warm lately so all we're getting is rain. :( Send some snow this way. :)
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