Dash is already 4 weeks old, can hardly believe it. He's at such a cute stage right now, just starting to want to play but not able to keep his balance when he starts running (or waddle). He's off his meds and seems to be doing well. It's so fun watching him change every day, wondering if he's a full Border Collie or if we can see something else that he might be mixed with. Either way, he's definitely finding his way into our hearts. I caught Brad outside today (enjoying the last warm weather before a possible snowstorm) curled up on the grass with Dash cuddled between his arms both sleeping. Wish I could've gotten a picture but of course, he woke up. People at work fell in love with him and are all assuming that I'm going to keep him but I'm still going back and forth about things. I try to think more about the future as I know it's easy for people to fall in love with a puppy. But having another larger dog that required a lot of exercise, training and attention

will be a task in itself and I probably wouldn't be able to do much fostering than either. I figured maybe I could find someone truly interested in him but no one so far. So if you have any friends/family close by in Colorado looking for a Border Collie mix, please send them my way. As long as they're animal lovers, have a big yard or live in the country and want only the best for this little

I know that he's about all that I've talked about for a while but I know that I only have a short period of time left with him so I'm soaking it all up. And he's pretty much consumed all my free time lately so I don't have much else to talk about!!!
Hey Audrey!
Thanks for leaving the comment on my blog. That Superbowl commercial with Terry Tate just cracks us up! LOL! My kids and I just saw your photos of Dash! He's ADORABLE!!! You got some great photos of him. I'll add you to my blog list, so I can keep up with your blog too! Have a great day!
Ooooh you're making me crazy with these pup photos! He's adorable! I sure feel for you with the back and forth part. I think it's such a wise move on your part to really think it through... especially with a border collie. I have to say I sure admire your strength though... that's a tough one when you're lookin' at that sweet little face, hey? I know, I know!
AWWWWW........I think he's just about the cutest little thing I've EVER seen!!!!! Sooo smart to think it through though. I wish I'd have thought just a little more about Jack!! lol Labs stay pups for sooo long in their behaviour and I just don't have the time I'd like to spend with him or train him. Sigh...we'll struggle through! He's gotta grow up some day:) BTW~~I TAGGED you!! lol! As if you needed something else to do! Hope you don't mind.
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