Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's been a few weeks since I've had a session so I sent out an early morning text to the siblings on Saturday, asking who wanted to be my model for the day. My brother happily obliged, once he got my text after waking up at 11:00 AM. :) I've been really wanting to find some new locations and so we drove all over the place. Found a couple new spots. My sister saw his pictures and is already wanting to do hers so I'll be driving around again hopefully this weekend with her! It's always fun with them, we just get kinda goofy with poses and have fun with it! I'm going to try bringing out my 580ex on my next shoot. There were far too many shadows on his face for my liking. Also, sometimes I focus more on finding the locations than finding the light...shame on me! Always something to work on though....always.
Thanks Tracy!!


Blogger Heather Melzer said...

Very cool shots! Love that graffiti background - how fun!

2/14/08, 12:39 PM  
Blogger Laura K. said...

Ahh so happy to see you scrapping again! I see some lifts coming my way ;) Your photography always knocks me away.. you could photograph POOP and I'd be like.. woah.. that's GORGEOUS! :P

Thanks for commenting on my blog.. I am behind in updates but on Feb 6th we had the 20 week ultrasound and we're having a girl! We are all very excited and didn't expect a girl at all!

We are planning to name her Zoë Margaret Eliza. I'll have to scrap about that name decision! We just loved Zoë (you say it like Zoey) and I always planned to name a daughter for my grandma I was so close to growing up (still alive and tickled about the name). The Eliza part is from our son. We have had this book to read him to explain how the baby comes and in the book the baby born is a little girl named Eliza and the past few days he's soooo begging us to name her Eliza and we decided we'll indulge him by putting it as part of her name and it'll make for a cute story for her later.

So I just totally took over your comments ;) If you want to email anytime it's


PS. Our boy name was Caillou.. we'd call him Cai for short. We loved that name so much but seems loads of people hate it so it was for the best ;)

2/15/08, 12:17 PM  
Blogger webchyck said...

Audrey, you are having too much fun! Love your brother's photo shoot! So impressed! Looks like shots for a record album cover!

2/16/08, 7:15 PM  
Blogger dulci said...

Audrey as always I love the shots you take. :)

2/18/08, 9:46 AM  

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