Monday, January 21, 2008

I've been wanting a macro lens for a while but kept putting it off as I knew it would be more for fun than business. But I couldn't resist this year! Finally got the Sigma 105mm f/2.8 macro. Along with it, I also purchased a set of extension tubes. Of course, I picked the coldest, ugliest part of the year to buy it so I made a quick run to town and picked up a $1.99 tiny cactus plant to practice on. It definitely is addicting!! And the final product was much more appealing than the shots I had taken in 20 degree weather the day before outside!!!
I've definitely got a lot of practicing ahead of me. I want to get dew drops on flower petals and all sorts of things but the little cactus wasn't holding the water up very well so I settled for just practicing manual focus!! It really is funny how I can waste away 1/2 a day doing this sort of thing. But since I had the day off, I figured it beat cleaning. And since the day's high is only supposed to be 15 degrees (it's only 8 right now), I won't be going outside any time soon.
With the cold weather, I am starting to feel like a caged animal, as I'm sure the dogs are starting to feel as well when I skip a few days of taking them running. It's definitely giving me the itch to move but we are having a horrible time finding houses we like. Everyone keeps saying this is the time to buy but we're so particular about what we want that it seems like we're never going to find it! After having a bigger yard, I can't comprehend how people can live on these tiny lots in newer subdivisions. I guess everyone's different about what they want in a house. I just wish I could find an older house on a large lot, close to the edge of town, near a place where I can go running, with either a large garage/shop or room to build. Sad thing is we have that all now, we're just missing the room inside the house. Some day, I'm sure we'll find something....but it just seems like it's been an eternity already.
Okay, now I'm just rambling. Thanks for stopping by :)


Blogger Heather Melzer said...

Such cool shots, Audrey!!

1/22/08, 12:48 PM  
Blogger Alissa said...

love these... that cactus is pure funk! and um, i absolutely love your scrapbook pages... it's totally making me break out my stuff this afternoon... you rock!

p.s. thanks for stopping by my blog!

1/24/08, 11:44 AM  

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