Another year older......
Thanks to everyone that wished me a happy birthday yesterday!!! That means so much that people were thinking of me. I had a few depressing moments thinking of hitting my upper 20's (that's right, 26) but aside from that, it was a wonderful day. I had a lot of fun and got spoiled rotten. :) It's great having the day off for my birthday as well as knowing that most everyone else has the day off too!! Brad and I went on a 21 mile bike ride and then headed over to my sister's house for an evening BBQ....yum! I'll miss using the "it's my birthday weekend" excuse was working well getting me out of doing the dishes. haha
We were supposed to play in a tourney all weekend. I was playing both coed and womens and Brad got picked up to play on a different coed team. Both teams I was on ended up not doing so well so I was out after 5 games on Saturday. Brad ended up playing through Sunday so I brought my camera and snapped some pics. Isn't he a cutie?!!! And yes, those are wood bats (even the one that looks metal is actually wood). Triple Crown has made coed leagues use wood bats to keep players from getting hurt. 

Happy Birthday Girl!
Awesome pics, Audrey - I LOVE that lens flare!
Great action shots! Happy Belated Birthday! Hey I hit 39 this year. It's weird to think that next year I'll be 40-just weird! LOL! Glad you had a great day!
ACK!! I missed your birthday!! I'm sorry Audrey. I hope it was a great one~and hey just wait till you hit MY age! lol I'm pushin' 40...trying very hard to push it away! lol
Love your photos as always and I really, really like that darker hair color on you! Gorgeous!!
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