Action Shots.....
I haven't had much luck with action shots in the past but I was fortunate enough to borrow a friend's monopod for these pics I took of two girl's fastpitch teams last Saturday. What a difference that thing makes, plus shooting in AI Servo mode and using manual focus points.
It's amazing to me how with every shoot and with PP on each picture, I learn something new.
As much as I love playing slowpitch now, seeing these girlies stealing bases made me miss fastpitch again. It was amazing looking at the stuff these girls had though....bat bags bigger than mine, full jerseys, sponsor banners to hang outside the dugouts, amazing!! As nervous as I was, I had a lot of fun watching the games. It was harder then heck though, trying to make sure I got pictures of all the girls. I ended up missing one completely who sat for both games that I took pics of. So I'm heading to another tourney this Saturday to get a few more shots. Plus, the 14 and under coach wants me to take some of their team too so that'll be fun!! Here are some of the 12 and under team.......

wow, amazing pics.......
AMAZING as always Audrey! WOW do I love your photos:) I'm tired of begging you to come here for photos of us!! One day if and when I ever, ever get a good camera I'll just bug and beg you to help me!!
WOW!!! Color, and sharpness AMAZING!!! I attempt to take soccer photos every year, so I know how difficult the action shots are, and YOU ROCK!!!! Read my latest post, I mentioned you!
Oh my goodness...these are GREAT action shots. LOVE your clarity & color tones!!!
Fabulous action shots Audry! Love the color and your cropping rocks! Great job!!
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