HUBBA HUBBA.......I know, I know...... no Ford hat, no's a miracle!! I actually convinced Brad to comb his hair, put on a nice shirt and pose for a few pictures!! He's so good about doing "couple" pictures but it's a totally different story getting him to pose alone. So I was very grateful, very very grateful (if you're reading this honey, smooches). I tried not to take too many as I'm still going to have to butter him up to take some pictures for our Christmas card!!! :) I really should get the pictures while the leaves are still falling. Last year, I waited too long!! :) I love the first picture but he says it looks like he's going to cry or something.....haha. Everyone has their own opinion I

I know it's shocking but I even got a layout finished using one of my fave pictures from the hubby photo shoot!! Seems like I have slacked off so bad from the digi-scrappin' world but photography has definitely been keeping me busier than I expected.....always something new to learn!! But when Shabby Miss Jenn comes out with a new kit, I just HAVE to play. Her stuff is OH SO GREAT!!! This one was using her new Harvest Night Kit. You have got to check it out!!! I don't know where to post anymore. Seems like SBB has slowed down so so much yet digitalk goes way too fast. I feel disconnected from the digi-world, much more now than in the past. Makes me sad but I blame myself for not posting more often.
On a different note, Rudy had his "procedure" yesterday. At this point, I thought we had no other options, we'd have some answers. But the vet called and said that he didn't find any tumors, x-rays looked good and aside from a ton of build-up, he didn't find anything unusual. After dropping $1000, I was more than a little irritated with the whole situation. They had made it sound like they would have some definites with this. They took some tissue samples and will send those to a lab. They also took a sample of the mucus build-up and will actually "grow it." Not sure why. But gut says they won't have anything from that either. So poor Rudy had a camera up his nose for nothing which has caused him some major bleeding and he looks so sore. The vet told me that because he bled so much, he didn't want him sneezing. Now there's a challenge considering that's the whole reason why he had the procedure. Yesterday, I literally wanted to punch a wall. He's been sneezing, reverse sneezing, hacking and all that crap since March.
Alright, I'm done complaining. Not gonna change the situation, right?
Suuuper dooooper great photos Audrey!!!!!
Great photos of hubby!
So sorry about your puppy dog. $1000 is A LOT. I hate when the vet acts like it's no big deal for us to drop that kind of cash. Last time I took my kitty in, I told him I just couldn't afford that kind of money, and took her home. I became her IV by forcing water down her throat when she was at death's door. It wasn't easy, but she pulled through. SHEESH! Don't get me started about vets!!!!!
awesome pics!!!!!
hey - where in CO do you live?? wondering about a photo shoot...
Oh gosh! Poor puppy and you and everything!
On a side note though, the photos are wonderful.
Oh you do have a HANDSOME hubby ;-) These are GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ohhhh Audrey, all I can say is Hubba Hubba!!! LOL!!!
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